Yesterday morning while sleeping our cat eggplant brought a mouse into the bedroom, after quite a commotion kim got up to capture the mouse; to no avail. Well being as it was 5:30, i was awake, so i grabbed my pants and went to the kitchen to start the espresso, leaving kim and some cats to fend for themselves. Now normally i pass by the dining room to drape my pants over the chair so as to not have to exit my pajamas too soon; this was after all just an ordinary day.
8:30 and it was time to get ready to go to the county"s annual native plant sale to fetch our pre- ordered booty
Soil and Water Conservation Districtso it's off with the pajamas and on with the aforementioned pants. As i buttoned my pants i realized i had a crumpled sock in the leg of the pants, so i shook my leg and ........WITH A FULL HEAD OF STEAM A MOUSE COMES DARTING OUT OF MY PANTS! The pants come off , i jump up on the bed in only a shirt, and kim can barely stand up as laughter consumes her.
Ah yes...there's really nothing quite like starting the day with a mouse in your pants.