Saturday, February 23, 2008

2nd fire

we unpacked the 2nd firing the other day and wow! quite the drama during the firing though; i almost ran out of wood while the kiln was stalling, but i was able to reach temp. ( barely .) During the first night of freezing temps i ran to the house to get more clothes 3 times and brought back the dvd tv to the kiln, now i know all of you purists are shaking your head right now but what a way to pass the early hours of firing, as i have a tendency to push the fire in the night, this was an awesome way to go: put a log on and back to my movie; and what a movie it is. Frank Hebert's Dune, no not the crappy one with Sting in it; the good one that the sci- fi channel made with William Hurt as the somewhat absent star of the 3 disc movie. if you've never seen it, you should,for once they've turned a great book into a great movie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But I loved the campy version of Dune with Sting...